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iFAIRS 2012


Thank you for attending, that was a great trip!


Call for Papers


The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2012 (iFAIRS 2012)

Saturday to Sunday 14th -15th August 2012

The Faculty of the iFAIRS 2012 proudly announce,
the ”iFAIRS Conference 2012” call for paper now.

The Organising Committee invites the submission of papers to be presented at the i FAIRS Conference 2012. Papers dealing with topics related to the disciplines of Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science. Other related topics are welcome. The i FAIRS conference consists of the following symposiums:

  • Finance: financial market, corporate finance and related topics.
  • Accounting: financial accounting, cost accounting, management accounting, corporate government and related topics.
  • Investment: market microstructure, portfolio management, financial deregulation, financial behaviour and related topics.
  • Risk management: market variation, credit ration, VAR, and related topics.
  • Management Science: all topics about management and management science.
  • Other topics about economics, commerce, business or management are welcomed.


Manuscript with 20 pages limited please sent to ifair2012@yahoo.com.tw before 30 April 2012. Acceptance of contributed papers will be based on blind referee reports of complete papers. See prototype here please. Paper acceptance notification will be forwarded from 15 May 2012.

Submit Papers

  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf.


The program of the iFAIRS 2012 will take place on 14 to 15 August 2012 at the University of the West, United States.


The programof i FAIRS 2012 conference


Wednesday, August 15 2012
Time Events
0830-0900 Registration
0900-0930 Opening

Honor Chairs:

WU, Chin-Shun

President and CEO, the University of the West (USA)

CHEN, Tsung-Hsien

Chairman, the Young Men Business Club of ROC (YMC) 2012

General Chair:

CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung

The Editor in Chief, YMC Management Review

0930-0950 Tea Time
0950-1130 Session  F         Chair:  CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung

Dealer Behavior in Imperfect Markets

The Need for Educating and Training for Competitive Presence in the International Business Community

Valuation Model under Residual Income and Growth

The Influence of Regional Development and Developer Behavior on Vacancy in Taiwanese Residential Construction: An Empirical Study

A Study of Grey VAR on Dynamic Structure between Economic Indicators and Stock Market Indices-An Example of the United States


1130-1300 Lunch Time
1310-1440 Session M          Chair:  SHEN, David Ching-Lung

A Study of International Business Theory Development

The Interaction of Corporate Governance and R&D: Evidence from Panel Data

The Effects of Horizontal Acquisitions on Rivals: Short-term and Long-term Performance

The Role of Innovation Capability on Business Performance at Small Medium Enterprises

A Research for Measuring Taxi Service Quality in Hanoi

A FMEA-aided Autonomous Preventive Maintenance Program

1440-1500 Tea Time
1500-1630 Session  Y    Chair: HORNG, Chuen-Ji

The Research on the Correlation Between Rate of Free Cash Flow and Financial Information of Business-An Example of Shenzhen B Stock

The Effectiveness of the Non-Profit Organization (NPO) the Implementation of SOP – YMC of Tainan

A Study on Business Administration and Strategy: A View from 36-Strategy and Three Kingdom of Ancient China

A Study of the Chapter Coordination Strategy in the Guigu Zi on Political Activities in Taiwan-An Application of the Game Theory

Facing the Strategy Paradox: Application of Case-Oriented Comparative Method

Exploring the Antecedents of Relationship Quality and Their Impacts on Customer Loyalty:Relationship Proneness as Moderators

1630 Ending and see you iFAIRS 2013





Information for Presenters

Printing Papers

Conference delegates will receive a hard copy of the contributed conference abstracts and a CD-Rom in the Conference Proceedings Book. Please prepare your USB prior your presentation,


Presentations will consist of 4~6 papers per session. Each session is of 90 minutes duration. Each presenter will be allocated 15 minutes for their presentation, including reviewer and questions. It is very important that presenters do not take more time than is allowed. To help the presenter keep track of time, the Chair of the Session will show a green-colored card to indicate that 3 minutes are remaining, and a red-colored card to indicate that your presentation should end immediately.


Each session is equipped with a data projector and a computer. The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite of programs is available on each computer for your use.

Loading Your Presentation

Please save your presentation on CD/DVD or an USB memory stick. Presenters should arrive at their allocated room 5 minutes before the start of the session to load their presentation. Student Volunteers will be available to assist conference presenters in this process.

Helpful Hints for first-time presenters
When preparing your presentation:

  • Make sure each slide has a purpose in your presentation – consider how it helps the audience understand your message.
  • Prepare slides that support your oral presentation – do not read the entire presentation from your slides. The main message should come from the presenter, not the slides.
  • Prepare an adequate number of slides – too many may make you appear rushed, and too few may make the presentation less clear.
  • A summary slide may be useful at a certain stage in the presentation.
  • If you plan to show a particular slide more than once, make copies of it so you do not have to scroll through your slides to find it.

When presenting

  • Show interest in your own presentation!
  • Make sure the audience can see you – stand where there is light, and turn towards your audience when speaking.
  • Allow time for the audience to review your slides if they are complicated – do not rush through models or large tables. Explain arrows in complicated models.
  • Respect the time limit. You will have about 12 minutes to present, and then 3 minutes for reviewer and questions. If questions remain after the time is up, we suggest that you discuss these after the session. Do not intrude on others’ time slots.
  • Respect the Chair of the session. They are instructed to ensure that the time is kept and will hold presenters to this. If you take more time than allowed, the Chair is instructed to ask you to conclude in order for other presenters to have enough time.

Tour & Accommodation

Tour Signup

Credits & Sponsors


  • The Young Men Business Club (YMC) ROC
  • The YMC Management Review


The University of the West, United States


  • Dept. of Business Administration and Graduate Institute of Finance, National Pingtung University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN
  • Graduate Institute of Business Management and Dept. of Risk Management & Insurance, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN
  • Association of Chinese E-Commerce Industry (ACECI)


  • Siyuan Health Management Co. Ltd. TAIWAN
  • 健康生活照顧服務平台通路商

Honor Chairs:

  • WU, Chin-Shun

President and CEO, the University of the West (USA)

  • CHEN, Tsung-Hsien

Chairman, the Young Men Business Club of ROC (YMC) 2012

General Chair:

  • CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung

The Editor in Chief, YMC Management Review,

  • Dean, the School of Chinese E-Commerce,

Professor National Pingting University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)


LIU, Victor Wei-Chi

Emeritus Professor, National Sun Yat-Sen University (TAIWAN)


  • CHANG, Ruey-Dang

Professor & Director, Department of Accounting National Chung Hsing University (TAIWAN)

  • HUANG, Den-Shih

Professor and Vice Dean, School of Economics & Management, Southwest Jiaotong University (CHINA)

  • LEE, Wen-Chih

Professor, Graduate Institute of Finance, Economics, and Business Decision, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences. (TAIWAN)

  • ROCA, Eduardo

Professor, Dept. of Economics, Accounting and Finance, Griffith University (Australia)

  • ZHU, Hong-Chung

Professor and Vice Dean, School of Economics & Management, Southwest Jiaotong University (CHINA)

Organizing Committee

CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung

Professor National Pingting University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)


  • Hsieh, Huei-Yuan Assistant Professor National Pingting University of Sc. and Tech. (TAIWAN)
  • TSAI, Chan-Wei Assistant Professor National Pingting University of Sc. and Tech. (TAIWAN)

Program Committee


LIN, Chu-Hsiung

Professor, Dept. of Risk Management & Insurance National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)


  • CHEN, Tsung-Hao Assistant Professor, Shu-Te University (Taiwan)
  • HSU, Wen-Hsi Lydia Assistant Professor, National Pingting University of Sc. and Tech. (TAIWAN)

General Affair Committee

CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung

Professor National Pingting University of Science and Technology (TAIWAN)

Session Chairs


CHOU, Jian-Hsin

Professor & Director, Graduate Institute of Business Management, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)


LEE, Chia-Ling

Professor & Director, Department of Accounting & Information Technology, National Chung-Cheng University (TAIWAN)


LIN, Chu-Hsiung

Professor, Dept. of Risk Management & Insurance, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)

Risk Management –

CHOU, Jian-Hsin

Professor & Director, Graduate Institute of Business Management, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)

Management Science-

SHEN, David Ching-Lung

Associate Professor & Director, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN)

Economics and other topics-

HORNG, Chuen-Jyi

Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN)

The Young Men Business Club (YMC) TAIWAN The University of the West, United States National Pingtung University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN National Kaohsiung Fist University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN Association of Chinese E-Commerce Industry (ACECI) Siyuan Health Management Co. Ltd. TAIWAN