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iFAIRS 2014


Thank you so much for attending, it was a great trip!


Call for Papers

The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2014
(i FAIRS Conference 2014)

22th-23th June 2014

The Faculty of the iFAIRS 2014 proudly announce,
the ”iFAIRS Conference 2014” call for paper now to 15 May


The Organising Committee invites the submission of papers to be presented at the iFAIRS Conference 2014. Papers dealing with topics related to the disciplines of Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, Management Science, and special session on Grey System. Other related topics are welcomed.

The iFAIRS 2014 conference consists of the following symposiums:
Finance: financial market, corporate finance and related topics.
Accounting: financial accounting, cost accounting, management accounting, corporate government and related topics.
Investment: market microstructure, portfolio management, financial behaviour and related topics.
Risk management: market variation, credit ration, VAR, and related topics.
Management Science: all topics about management and management science.
Special session on Grey System
Other topics about economics, commerce, business or management are welcomed.


Manuscript with 20 pages limited please sent to ifairs2014@gmail.com before 15 May 2014. Acceptance of contributed papers will be based on blind referee reports of complete papers. See prototype attached please. Paper acceptance notification will be forwarded from 30 May 2014.

Submit Papers

  • Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf.


The program of the iFAIRS 2014 will take place on 22th to 23th June 2014 at Tokyo JAPAN.


The detailed programof i FAIRS 2014 conference
0830-0850 Registration
0850-0900 Opening
0900-1020 Session  F        Chair:  Dr. Chu-hsiung Lin
Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Corporate Values?Roger C. Y. Chen, Chen-Hsun Lee, Shih-Wei HungMediating Effect of Intangible Assets on Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance-Tobin’s_Q AnalysisShen-Ho Chang, Feng-Yi Shu, Hsiang-Ju Chen      Does Noise Matter on Hedging Effectiveness? Evidence from TaiwanJuping Wu, Ren-Jean LiouA Measure of the Model Adequacy: Using the Method of Poisson Loglinear ModelTsung-Hao Chen, Hsien-Chueh PeterYang, Jin-Yuan Cheng,Yi-Mei Huang


1020-1040 Tea Time
1040-1200 Session R       Chair:  Dr. Kung-Hsiung CHANG
Contagion in International Stock Markets after Subprime Mortgage ErisisChu-Hsiung LinTrade Credit and Bank Loan: Evidence from Chinese FirmsTsung-Te Lin, Jian-Hsin ChouInformed Trading Uncertainty and Market Breakdown – An ExperimentYaroslav Rosokha, Chi ShehPricing Crop Revenue Insurance by Option ApproachMin-Sun Horng, Hui-Jun Huang


1200-1330 Lunch Time













1330-1500 Session I     Chair:   Dr. Jian-Hsin CHOU
A New Long-Term Performance Incentive System: the Added Value of Owners’EquityChao-Hui YehAn Empirical Research of Numerology on Stock Selection Strategy: An Example of the Nikkei 225 Index’s Component StocksAlex K.H. Chang,Hanna C.Y. KeAn Empirical Research of Chinese Zi Wei Dou Shu Theory on Stock Selection Strategy in Hong Kong Stock MarketAlex K.H. Chang,Ming Ju Lee An Empirical Research of Five-Phases Allelopathy Model on Stock Selection Strategy: An Example of the Nikkei 225 Index’s Component StocksAlex K.H. Chang,Bo-Xi Chen

An Empirical Research of Five-Phases Theory on Stock Selection Strategy in Hong Kong Stock Market

Alex K.H. Chang,Chiu Lan Lai

1500-1530 Tea Time
1530-1700 Session  M   Chair:  Dr. Tsung-Hao CHEN
The Nature and Emergence Process of the Narrative Strategy StoryDaniel Chan-Wei TsaiCompetitive Strategy on the Perspective of Narrative Strategy StoryDaniel Chan-Wei Tsai,Sz-Ting Chen,Jun-Yan LiuThe Spillover Effect and Paradigm Shift of Green Building on the Residential Construction Industry in TaiwanHenry H.Y. Hsieh ,H.C. SuBoard of Directors Governance, Senior Management Team Compensation, Foreign Institutional Investors Holding Shares on the Influence of the Degree of Staff StabilityWen-Hsi Lydia Hsu,Rou-Harn Shu
1700 Ending and see you 2015.

Information for Presenters

Printing Papers

Conference delegates will receive a hard copy of the contributed conference paper’s abstract and a CD-Rom in the Conference Proceedings Book. Delegates who wish to access a hard copy of the conference papers during the conference should print copies from the CD-Rom prior traveling.


Presentations will consist of 4 to 6 papers per session. Each session is of 80 minutes duration. Each presenter will be allocated 18 minutes for their presentation, including reviewer and questions. It is very important that presenters do not take more time than is allowed. To help the presenter keep track of time, the Chair of the Session will show a green-colored card to indicate that 3 minutes are remaining, and a red-colored card to indicate that your presentation should end immediately.


Each session is equipped with a data projector and a computer.  The 2007 Microsoft Office Suite of programs is available on each computer for your use.


Loading Your Presentation

Please save your presentation on a USB memory stick. Presenters should arrive at their allocated room 15 minutes before the start of the session to load their presentation. Student Volunteers will be available to assist conference presenters in this process.

Helpful Hints for first-time presenters

When preparing your presentation:

  • Make sure each slide has a purpose in your presentation – consider how it helps the audience understand your message.
  • Prepare slides that support your oral presentation – do not read the entire presentation from your slides. The main message should come from the presenter, not the slides.
  • Prepare an adequate number of slides – too many may make you appear rushed, and too few may make the presentation less clear.
  • A summary slide may be useful at a certain stage in the presentation.
  • If you plan to show a particular slide more than once, make copies of it so you do not have to scroll through your slides to find it.


 When presenting

  • Show interest in your own presentation!
  • Make sure the audience can see you – stand where there is light, and turn towards your audience when speaking.
  • Allow time for the audience to review your slides if they are complicated – do not rush through models or large tables. Explain arrows in complicated models.
  • Respect the time limit. You will have about 15 minutes to present, and then 3 minutes for reviewer and questions. If questions remain after the time is up, we suggest that you discuss these after the session. Do not intrude on others’ time slots.
  • Respect the Chair of the session. They are instructed to ensure that the time is kept and will hold presenters to this. If you take more time than allowed, the Chair is instructed to ask you to conclude in order for other presenters to have enough time.

Tour & Accommodation


第一天 高雄小港機場/成田機場~HOTEL CHECK IN

                                              BR192     07:45/11:45



早:X 午:機上套餐 晚:方便逛街~敬請自理


第二天2014  iFAIRS會議


※2014 iFAIRS會議

上午10:00~下午 17:00會議

中場休息 下午茶 (含咖啡.茶.簡易小點心)


不參加會議客人 ,安排前往迪士尼一日遊 ,由導遊帶領搭乘地鐵前往.

迪士尼之客人午晚餐 ,敬請自理


早:X 午:日式便當 晚:飯店自助餐



第三天 飯店– 121KM(1.5hr)足利公園賞紫藤-89KM(1.5hr)日光.花綠樂園(花いちもんめ)國立公園日光杉並木東照宮輪王寺鬼怒川



早:飯店內 午:日式定食或燒烤 晚:溫泉會席料理




第四天  鬼怒川-華嚴瀑布-中禪寺湖-戰場之原-吹割瀑布-榛名神社-榛名湖-伊香保


早:飯店內 午:日式風味套餐 晚:飯店內豐盛自助餐





第五天  輕井澤渡假勝地~羅曼蒂克大道~★特別贈送★ 騎腳踏車或品嚐香醇咖啡 ★~聖保羅教堂~CHURCH STREET商店街~輕井澤銀座~旅客服務中心 輕井澤 Outlet 購物中心




早:飯店內 午:日式風味套餐 晚:飯店內精緻自助餐
宿:  輕井澤GREEN PLAZA溫泉酒店  或同級旅館


第六天  輕井澤-東京- SKY TREE TOWN「東京晴 空塔」世界之最‧日本科技技術與文化的結晶~晴空街道商店街-免稅店-夜遊新宿或歌舞伎町



早:飯店內 午:日式燒烤 晚:日式定食或中華料理








第七天  東京-自由活動(逛街購物或前往新宿或丸大樓或探訪親友)-成田空港 /小港機場                                                               




早:飯店內 午:機上套餐 晚:X



Tour Signup

Credits & Sponsors


The Young Men Business Club (YMC) ROC
The YMC Management Review



The YMC Management Review



Dept. of Business Administration

National Pingtung University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN

College of Finance & Banking and Department of Accounting & Information System

National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN

Dept. of Business Administration

Shu-Te University

Association of Chinese E-Commerce Industry (ACECI)


Honor Chairs:

YEH, Hsin-Hong

Chairman, the Young Men Business Club of ROC 2014 (TAIWAN)


General Chair:

CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung
The Editor in Chief, YMC Management Review,
Dean, the School of Chinese E-Commerce,
Professor National Pingting University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)



LIU, Victor Wei-Chi

Chairman, Chinese Management Association (TAIWAN)



CHANG, Ting-Cheng

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Grey System and Professor, Ling Tung University (TAIWAN)

CHEN, Roger C.Y.

Professor & President, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)

KUO, Hsien-Chang

Emeritus Professor, Shih Chien University (TAIWAN)

LIN, Chin-Tsai

Chairman, Chinese Grey System Association and Emeritus Professor, Ming Chuan University (TAIWAN)

LIN, Grier

Professor and President, Nan-Tien University (AUSTRALIA)

LIN, Tsai-Yuan

Emeritus Professor, Chang Jung Christian University (TAIWAN)

NAGAI, Masatake

Emeritus Professor, Taichung University (TAIWAN/JAPAN)

WU, Chin-Shun

Honour President of the University of the West and Professor the Nanhua University (TAIWAN/USA)


Organizing Committee

CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung

Professor National Pingting University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)



  • TSAI, Chan-Wei Assistant Professor National Pingting University of Sc. and Tech. (TAIWAN)
  • YEH, Chao-Hui Associate Professor, I-Shou University (TAIWAN)
  • HSIEH, Huei-Yuan Assistant Professor National Pingting University of Sc. and Tech. (TAIWAN)


Program Committee

LIN, Chu-Hsiung

Professor and Dean, College of Finance and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)



  • CHEN, Tsung-Hao Assistant Professor, Shu-Te University (Taiwan)
  • HSU, Wen-Hsi Lydia Associate Professor, National Pingting University of Sc. and Tech. (TAIWAN)


Session Chairs

LIN, Chu-Hsiung

Professor and Dean, College of Finance and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)

CHEN, Yuh-Jen

Associate Professor & Director, Dept. of Accounting & Information Systems, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)

CHOU, Jian-Hsin

Professor & Director, Dept. of Finance & Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci & Tech. (TAIWAN)

Risk Management –
CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung

Professor National Pingting University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)

Management Science-
CHEN, Tsung-Hao

Director of Dep. Of Business Administration, Shu-Te University (Taiwan)

Special Session: Grey Theory-


HSIA, Kuo-Hsian

Association Professor & Dean, College of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Far East University (TAIWAN)

WEN, Kun-Li

Professor, Chienkuo Technology University (TAIWAN)

The Young Men Business Club (YMC) TAIWANNational Pingtung University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN National Kaohsiung Fist University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWANShu De University, TaiwanAssociation of Chinese E-Commerce Industry (ACECI)