Taiwanese Businessmen to China’s Basic Direction of Research
Lien-Hsiung Pan / Rong-You He / Kaihua Wei
Keywords: Tanwanese, Investment Motives, Stages, Industrial Layout
ABSTRACTThe investment of Taiwanese in mainland China comes up with special historical settings and attributes to its inevitable pursuit of the maximum profits. The paper conducts the research in three aspects, namely, the motive of Taiwanese investment, stage division and the influencing factors of industrial layout. Regarding the investment motive, the mainland that encourages Taiwanese to invest has both political and economic motives while Taiwanese mainly invest with economic motive. The whole process can be divided into three stages. When the influencing factors of industrial layout are mentioned, geographical location, policies, level of economic development, degree of industrial agglomeration and costs should be listed.
Research on Estimating and Strategy of Logistic Channel Safety between China and ASEAN Based on South China Sea Issue
Wang Yi
Keywords: The South China Sea issue; International logistics channel security; China – ASEAN Free Trade Area
ABSTRACTThe changes of cooperation opportunity- risk coexist between China and ASEAN makes logistics channel security be a new subject of regional economic cooperation and state strategy research, this paper argues that only from a composite standpoint, integrated risk influencing factors and proposes security strategy analysis and assessment relating to the international relations, operation enterprises and employees is necessary, and from individuals on the basis of analysis of influence factors and puts forward security strategy to jump out of the political, economic, and personal qualities of a single dimension and get completely solve the problem.
Approaches to the Cold-Chain Agricultural Product Logistics Cooperation between Guangxi and Taiwan
Peng Xin Professor / Zhong Ping / Peng Siyu
Keywords: cold-chain logistics, agricultural products cold-chain logistics, cooperation
ABSTRACTThe establishment of cold-chain logistics and it’s pursuit of perfection in the agricultural industry is not only related to the construction of the food chain system, but also effectively improves food safety and people’s living standards. The future market for fresh food logistics in various cities across China contains a multitude of business opoprtunities. The development of agricultural products in cold-chain logistics has become the focal point of all levels of government departments and related enterprises. However, the layout for cold-chain logistics of agricultural products in Guangxi is unreasonable with unsound function-set practices and low-temperature logistics distribution centres. In addition, the slow speed of value-added service innovation and cold-chain logistics business model has affected the degree of scale and socialisation of Guangxi’s agricultural products.
The current development of Guangxi’s agricultural products cold-chain logistics development presents existing problems. Based on an environmental analysis, it is highly recommended that synergy and cooperation is required from four perspectives to stimulate the development of cold-chain logistics in Guangxi: the cold-chain logistics industry, product manufacturers, scientific and technological contribution, and academic exchanges.
An Empirical Study on the Model of Cognitive Behavior of Network Consumers
Zeng Fantao / Han Meifang
Keywords: Physical Product; Digital Product; Cognitive Behavior
ABSTRACTThe internet consumer’s cognitive behavior existed as two patterns bases on the theory of forecasting behaviors from attitude and social cognitive psychology. We classified products as physical product and digital product, constructed two patterns of consumer’s cognitive behavior based on complexity science management theory. The patterns was corrected based on empirical research.
An Empirical Research of Chinese Five-Phases Theory on Selection Strategy of Taiwan Stock Market
Chris C.Y. Liao
Chun-Mai Chen
Alex K.H. Chang
Tel: +886-8774-0374
E-mail: bear419@mail.npust.edu.tw
Keywords: Five-Phases Allelopathy Model, Chinese Numerology, Taiwan Stock Market.
ABSTRACTBased on the Five-Phases Allelopathy Theory of Chinese numerology, this paper establishes a stock selecting model. In this study, we use the theory of the Five-Phases of Chinese numerology as the main concept of the modeling establishment, of which the five elements gold, wood, water, fire, earth’s allelopathy relations as the main concept. We use all stocks’ monthly data in the Taiwan stock market as sampling data from 2000 to 2012, totally as 13 years. This study uses two steps to verify the use of the Five-Phases Allelopathy Theory in the Taiwan stock market. The results show that the company type is “earth” this group have highest accuracy of 84.44% in sampling period from a natal numerology. And from the view of appropriate of different natal industry group in sequencing years, eight of thirteen years match the Five-Phases Allelopathy Theory that the average return of the high-paid group is higher than the average return of the low-paid group, accuracy up to 68%.
An Empirical Research of Chinese Five-Phases Theory on Selection Strategy of China Stock Market: an Example of CSI300 Constituent Stocks
Yi Chen Tsai
Chun-Mai Chen
Alex K.H. Chang
Tel: +886-8774-0374
E-mail: bear419@mail.npust.edu.tw
Keywords: Five-PhasesAllelopathy Model, Chinese Numerology, CSI 300 Constituent Stocks.
ABSTRACTBased on the Five-Phases Allelopathy Theory of Chinese numerology, this paper establishes a stock selecting model. In this study, we use the theory of the Five-Phases of Chinese numerology as the main concept of the modeling establishment, of which the five elements gold, wood, water, fire, earth’s allelopathy relations as the main concept. We use CSI 300 Constituent Stocks’ monthly data in China stock market as sampling data from 2000 to 2012, totally as 13 years. This study uses two steps to verify the use of the Five-Phases Allelopathy Theory in the China stock market. The results show that the special industry’s stocks belonging to metal-phase obtain a highest accuracy of 93.16% in sampling period from a natal numerology. And from the view of appropriate of different natal industry group in sequencing years, eight of thirteen years match partly the Five-Phases Allelopathy Theory that the average return of the high-paid group is higher than the average return of the low-paid group.
The Impacts of Events on the Behavior of Residential Construction Industry
Henry H.Y. Hsieh / P.T. Chen
Keywords: SCP, Global Financial Crisis, High Speed Rail, Events, Developer behavior, Individual rationality, Group irrationality.
ABSTRACTThe developer’s behavior is greatly influenced by foreign and domestic events, such as the Global Financial Crisis and the High Speed Rail .The research predicates the Structure-Conduct-Performance(S-C-P) model to discuss industrial behavior of construction industry in Taiwan. A sample of 20 cities and counties in Taiwan during 1999 to 2011 accounted for 260 observations are examined. In OLS regression model, Global Financial Crisis and High Speed Rail variables have significant impact on developers’ behavior. While in dynamic market model a Two-Stage Least Square Method (2SLS) is used to analyze construction industrial behavior. Global Financial Crisis is negatively significant to approvals in both static and dynamic models, indicating the construction industry in Taiwan being closely related to global economy. In addition, High Speed Rail is significant and positively related to approvals in static and dynamic models, indicating High Speed Rail having a positive impact on the construction industry and the housing market in Taiwan. Events are crucial to the changes in the construction industry precipitating group irrational behavior. It is suggested that developer should analyze the macro environment and differentiate himself. In addition to rationally considering his position, developer should pay attention to the external analysis. How to overcome individual and group irrationality? It is suggested that developer should improve both individual rationality and group rationality to widen the rational window.