The Faculty of the iFAIRS 2017 proudly announce,
the ”iFAIRS Conference 2017” call for papers now to 30 April 2017
The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management , and Management Science (iFAIRS) 研討會為一由臺灣青年企業研究社所屬『青年企業管理評論』主辦之國際財金管理學術研討會,每年於環太平洋國家輪流舉辦乙次。
回顧過去,iFAIR2009于澳大利亞黃金海岸舉辦;iFAIR2010、2013 研討會於中國大陸四川成都西南交通大學與廣西南寧舉辦;iFAIR2011於臺灣高雄舉辦;iFAIRS 2012不但加入次主題:management science,更創新以視訊方式首創Los Angeles USA 和Pingtung TAIWAN 雙主辦場地之先例;iFAIRS 2014于日本東京舉辦;iFAIRS 2015于澳洲臥龍岡南天大學舉辦;iFAIRS 2016剛于去年六月于泰國清邁Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna舉辦。。
iFAIRS 2017國際研討會謹訂2017年6月3-4日 (星期六到日),于台灣台北市南山人壽保險股份有限公司總部達人館舉辦,歡迎以下主題投稿:
本研討會歡迎以中文或英文發表(限20頁內),優質文章將推薦到『YMC Management Review青年企業管理評論』擇優刊登,會中並頒發各領域之年度論文獎。
本研討會徵稿到2017年4月30 (星期日) 為止,5月15起發放錄取通知。請投稿到: 。研討會相關詳情與文章參考格式請上本研討會專屬網站 ,或FB 專頁 查詢。
The program of the iFAIRS 2017 will take place on 3th to 4th June 2017 at the Talent Hall NAN SHAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD.
Welcome submits to us.
Best regards,
WANG, David
Chairman, the Young Men Business Club of ROC 2017 (TAIWAN)
CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung
The Editor in Chief, YMC Management Review
Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)
時 間 | 議 程 |
8:30-8:50 | 報到 |
9:00-9:30 | 開幕 / 大會專題演講 |
9:30-10:40 | 達人論劍之東邪西毒:台灣西進-南向經濟策略論壇 |
10:40-11:00 | 早茶時光 |
11:00-12:20 | 學術論壇(A) |
12:20-13:00 | 午餐時光 |
13:00-14:10 | 達人論劍之南帝北丐:全球高科技趨勢論壇 |
14:10-15:40 | 青年創業論壇 |
15:40-16:00 | 午茶時光 |
16:00-17:20 | 學術論壇(M) |
17:20-17:30 | 閉幕 / 頒獎 |
17:30 | 賦歸 |
Session A Chair: Chu-Hsiung LIN | |||
Ref No. | Topic | Author | Reviewer |
FE002 | A Study between Investors’ Novel Preferences and Investing Behavior in Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Macau | Alex Kung-Hsiung Chang, Yen-Yu Liu , Po Tsang Lin , Yun Hei Yau, Ji Syuan Goh, Cheok Hou Ha | Chao-Hui Yeh |
ME002 | Adaptations of Vietnamese Immigrant Women in Taiwan | Pham Hong Bao Tram and Chih-Chien Steven Lai | Cheng-Ping Shih |
ME003 | Creative Industries in Taiwan | Natenapang Thongsri and Alex Kung-Hsiung Chang | Cheng-Ping Shih |
FE001 | Capital Expenditure, Cash Inflow and Insider Share Ownership Ratios: An Example of the Network and Information Industry | Chao-Hui Yeh | Su-Lien Lu |
Session M Chair: Chen-Chien HUNG | |||
Ref No. | Topic | Author | Reviewer |
FC002 | A Study of the Influence of Corporate Governance on the Capital Expenditure Decision | Su-Lien Lu, Kuo-Jung Lee, and Chiu-Yan Chang | Chao-Hui Yeh |
MC003 | Research on the Relationship between Consumer Experience and Customer Satisfaction at Cartoon Theme Restaurants | Te-Ping Kou and Yun-Chih Lu | Rong-Da Liang |
MC004 | A Study on the Rationality of Industrial Behavior in Construction Industry | Henry H.Y. Hsieh, Y.L. Su, Y.X. Chen, Y.T. Liao, and Z.T. Hong | Chia-Yi CHEN |
MC006 | There Are a Story in Your Strategy? -The Research of Discussing the Type of Narrative Strategy Story from the Perspective of Taxonomy | Daniel Chan-Wei Tsai and Hsin-Yu Chen | Chia-Yi CHEN |
MC007 | The influence of strategic alliance types on firm innovation performance – R&D capabilities as a moderator | Yu-Chieh Chao and Chien-Chang Su | Rong-Da Liang |
MC011 | How Dispersion of Online Word-Of-Mouth Influences Post Purchase Dissonance: The Roles of Product Type and Shopping Value | Chia-Yi CHEN and Ting-Yi LU | Rong-Da Liang |
WANG, David
Chairman, the Young Men Business Club of ROC 2017 (TAIWAN)
CHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung
The Editor in Chief, YMC Management Review
Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)
LIU, Victor Wei-Chi
Chairman, Chinese Management Association (TAIWAN)
CHEN, Roger C.Y.
Professor & President, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)
LIN, Grier
Professor & President, International Leadership Institute (AUSTRALIA)
LIN, Tsai-Yuan
Emeritus Professor, Chang Jung Christian University (TAIWAN)
Professor & President, Takming University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN)
WU, Chin-Shun
Honour President, University of the West and Professor the Nanhua University (USA/TAIWAN)
Organizing Committee |
ChairCHANG, Alex Kung-Hsiung Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN) Co-ChairsHUNG, Chen-Chien Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University (TAIWAN) LIU, Chin-Yun Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Tainan University of Tech. (TAIWAN) |
Associate-ChairsCHEN, Tsung-Hao Director, Dept. of Business Administration, Shu-Te University (TAIWAN) TSAI, Chan-Wei Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN) HSIEH, Huei-Yuan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN) |
Program Committee |
ChairLIN, Chu-Hsiung Professor and Dean, College of Finance and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN) Co-ChairCHOU, Jian-Hsin Professor, College of Finance and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN)
Associate-ChairsHORNG, Min-Sun Assistant Professor, Dept. of Risk Management and Insurance, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN) CHEN, Chia-Yi CHAO, Yu-Chieh Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, National Pingtung University of Sci. and Tech. (TAIWAN) |
Session Chairs |
FinanceCHOU, Jian-Hsin Professor, College of Finance and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN) AccountingLIN, Ying-Fen Professor and Dean, College of Management, National Dong Hwa University (TAIWAN) InvestmentYEH, Chao-Hui Associate Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, I-Shou University (TAIWAN) |
Risk ManagementCHOU, Pai-Lung Professor, Dept. of Risk Management and Insurance, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN) Management Sci.enceLIN, Chu-Hsiung Professor and Dean, College of Finance and Banking, National Kaohsiung First University of Sci. & Tech. (TAIWAN) |