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iFAIRS 2023

The Annual International Conference on Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science 2023
(i FAIRS Conference 2023)

26-30 June 2023

Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam

Program for iFAIRS 2023



Main conference

Day1, June 26
13:00-19:00 iFAIRS 2023 committee meeting and Workshop
Day2, June 27
08:30-09:00 Registration and reception
09:00-09:30 Opening ceremony-welcome message
09:30-10:40 Keynote Speaker: Wen-Chung Cheng, Chairman of Vinbizlink Design construction                                                                          (越大建築責任有限公司CEO)

Topic: ESG in Vietnam

10:40-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Session (1)

1. An introduction to cloud computing platform
2. Theoretical framework for board structure and its relationship with the performance of 
  commercial banks in Vietnam
3. Global economic policy uncertainty and government bond market volatility
4. Cost management at manufacturing stage using activity

12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session (2)

1. Robust Strategies for mitigating supply chain disruptions of personal protective equipment 
  during the emerging infectious disease pandemic
2. The determinants of financial holding company’s profitability in Taiwan
3. Using bootstrap Fourier granger causality in quantiles to analyze the relationship between REITs 
  returns and macroeconomic variables
4. The moderating effect of information asymmetry on the relationship between accounting
conservatism and stock price crashes

15:00-15:20 Break
15:20-16:50 Session (3)

1. The opportunities and challenges of Vietnam in the era of China-US. competition
2. Indonesia hedging-balancing approach toward China investment and political issues in Indonesia’s 
  SEZ development
3. Foreign direct investment and China superpower in ASEAN countries
4. On examining the market competition in the global container shipping industry

Day 3, June 28
09:30-10:40 Keynote Speaker: Cheng-I Lin, Former President of Nan Tien Institute of Higher Education

Topic: Creating and Leading an AI Embedded Business

10:40-11:00 Break
11:00-12:30 Session (4)

1. ‘‘Human or not?” the effect of using different types of anthropomorphic virus on sense of fear and 
  behavior intention: The moderating effect of regulatory focus
2. Discussing the reactions between Ukraine and US-NATO in the Russia-Ukraine War using a welfare 
  game theory
3. The gaming mouse market competitive strategies: An application of game theory
4. An application of game theory on discussing the welfare policy in Taiwan
5. The relationship of work-family conflict and well-being—organization and family support as 
  moderators, the case of nursing staffs

12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00 Session (5)

1. Organic food consumption experience (OFCE) scale development
2. Discussing the slow tourism in small sea-island
3. Exploring immersive experience perception from the perspective of orange generation tourism- 
  Chimei museum as an example
4. The effects of training and education on competence as moderated by T&H certificates
5. Discussing the leadership art from Zhenguan Politicians

15:00-15:20 Break
15:10-16:00 Closing ceremony: Award presentation
Day 4, June 29
09:00-16:00 Đông Thành, Field trip (隆安企業參訪)
Day 5, June 30
09:00-16:00 企業參訪或自由行程

Lee, I.-F., +886911789310, Line ID atlantis0623
Chen, C.-J., +886909016161, Line ID 0988055354


 The Faculty of the iFAIRS 2023 proudly announce,
The ”iFAIRS Conference 2023” call for papers now to 12th May 2023


The Organising Committee invites the submission of papers to be presented at the iFAIRS Conference 2023 between 26-28 of June 2023. Meanwhile, the field trips provide a variety of experiences focus on the Ho Chi Minh city between 29-30 of June 2023. Papers dealing with topics related to the disciplines of Finance, Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, and Management Science. Other related topics are welcomed. The iFAIRS 2023 conference consists of the following symposiums:

  • Finance: financial market, corporate finance and related topics.
  • Accounting: financial accounting, cost accounting, management accounting, corporate government and related topics.
  • Investment: market microstructure, portfolio management, financial behaviour and related topics.
  • Risk management: market variation, credit ration, insurance, VAR, and related topics.
  • Management Science: all topics about management and management science.
  • Other topics about economics, commerce, business or management are welcomed.Other topics about economics, commerce, business or management are welcomed.



  • iFAIRS 2023: 26-30 June 2023

Manuscript with 20 pages limited please sent to myifairs@gmail.com before 12th May 2023. Acceptance of contributed papers will be based on blind referee reports of complete papers. See prototype attached please. Paper acceptance notification will be forwarded from 26th May 2023.


The program of the iFAIRS 2023 will take place between the 26-28 of June 2023 at the Academic Conference of Ho Chi Minh University of Banking, and filed trip provided between the 29-30 of June 2023 (The conference link will provide on the acceptance letter).

  • Ho Chi Minh University of Banking Website: https://portal-en.buh.edu.vn/
  • Address: 36 Ton That Dam street, Nguyen Thai Binh ward, district 1, Ho Chi Minh City


The YMC Management Association members are free for registration fee. In addition, the registration fee for non-members is US$100 and can be paid before June 9.

  • A/C: The YMC Management Association R.O.C
  • Bank: First Bank Sanmin Branch
  • Account number: 704-40-006856
  • Swift code: FCBKTWTP701
  • Bank address: No. 291, Zhonghua 3rd Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung 807, TAIWAN
  • Bank phone call: +886-7-2718111
  • YMC Management Association address: 3F No.3 Lane 1041 Ta-Hsuen 1st. Rd. Gu-Sun Dist. Kaohsiung 804 TAIWAN
  • Cell phone: +886970101363

Welcome submits to the conference.

Best regards,

Chang, Alex Kung-Hsiung

Honor Chairs of the iFAIRS 2023

The Chairman of YMC Management Association, ROC


Austin Rong-Da Liang Ph.D.

General Chair of the iFAIRS 2023

The vice president of Taiwan Young Men Business Club (YMC) Management Review

Website http://www.ymcmr.org
E-mail: myifairs@gmail.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ifairsconference



Credits & Sponsors




The Young Men Business Management Association R.O.C




Ho Chi Minh University of Banking



Chung Hua University


College of New Media and Management,
Department of Southeast Asian Studies

                                            Wenzao Ursuline university of languages


Institute of Marketing Communication

National Sun Yat-Sen University


College of Management

National Chung Cheng University


Department of Business Administration

National Pingtung University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN


Department of Business Administration

National Pingtung University, TAIWAN


College of Management

National Kaohsiung University of Sci. & Tech., TAIWAN


Department of Leisure and Recreation Management

National Kaohsiung University of Hosp. and Tour., Taiwan


Department of Business Administration

Shu-Te University


College of Management

Chang Jung Christian University